Pregnancy Services Offered
Each OB/GYN at Women’s Health Specialists of Dallas can manage both high and low-risk pregnancies, no matter what your needs are. Throughout your pregnancy, you have access to:
- An OB/GYN who oversees and manages your care with regular appointments.
- An ultrasound technician, who can monitor the growth and development of your baby.
- A board-certified anesthesiologist on the medical staff at Texas Health Dallas during labor and delivery.
Getting early and regular prenatal care improves the chances of a healthy pregnancy and a healthy birth.
After your baby is born, you’ll have access to the quality neonatal care and continuing support from your doctor.
Your First Prenatal Visit
Prenatal care generally begins around 8 weeks after your last menstrual period. If you are a known high-risk patient or are concerned about the first weeks of your pregnancy, we are able to see you earlier.
Your initial visit for prenatal care will be quite comprehensive. Your doctor will:
- Ask you questions about your medical history including diseases, operations, or prior pregnancies.
- Ask about your family’s medical history.
- Conduct a complete physical exam, including a pelvic exam and Pap smear.
- Take your blood and urine for lab work.
- Check your blood pressure, height, and weight.
- Calculate your due date.
- Answer your questions.
- Order an ultrasound.
It is routine for us to order an ultrasound on your first visit. At other times, one may be ordered if there is any question about how far along you are or if you are experiencing any bleeding or cramping.
During your visit, your doctor will also discuss the following with you:
- Diet, exercise, nutrition, weight gain
- Prenatal vitamins, supplements, herbs
- Travel limitations
- Environmental hazards
- Fevers and medications
- Dental care, cats, raw meat, fish, and gardening
- Miscarriage precautions
Later Prenatal Visits
Later prenatal visits will be shorter. Your doctor will check on your health and make sure the baby is growing as expected. At these visits, you can expect that your doctor will:
- Check your blood pressure.
- Measure your weight gain.
- Measure your abdomen to check your baby’s growth (once you begin to show).
- Check the baby’s heart rate.
During these visits, your doctor may also order some routine tests, such as blood work to check for anemia, your blood type, HIV, and other factors. Plus, other tests may be ordered based on your age, personal or family medical history, your ethnic background, or the results of routine tests you have had.
Childbirth, or labor and delivery, is the culmination of pregnancy with the emergence of a newborn infant from the mother’s uterus.
It is important to discuss labor and signs of labor with your doctor early in your pregnancy, before labor begins.
For most women, labor begins sometime between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy. Labor that occurs before 37 weeks of pregnancy is considered premature or preterm.
Stages of Labor
- There are three stages of labor. The first stage begins with the onset of labor and ends when the cervix is fully opened. This is the longest stage of labor, lasting anywhere from 12 to 19 hours. It is different for every woman.
- The second stage of labor involves the pushing and delivery of your baby. This stage can last 20 minutes to 2 hours.
- The third stage of labor involves the delivery of the placenta. It is the shortest stage, lasting 5 to 30 minutes.
Signs of Labor
The primary sign of labor is a series of contractions (tightening and relaxing of the uterus) that arrive regularly, become stronger, and last longer. You should contact your health care provider when your contractions are every 5 to 10 minutes for an hour.
Other signs of labor include:
- Lightening. This term refers to when the fetus drops or moves lower in the uterus.
- Increase in vaginal discharge. This discharge is called “show” or “bloody show” and may appear clear, pink, or slightly bloody. It occurs as the cervix begins to open (dilate).
- Pain or pressure around the front of the pelvis or the rectum.
- Low, dull backache.
- Cramps that feel like menstrual cramps, with or without diarrhea.
- A gush or trickle of fluid, which is a sign of water breaking.
These signs can happen several days before labor or just as labor begins.
Labor and Delivery
Women’s Health Specialists of Dallas operates out of Texas Health Dallas. Here you’ll find a premier facility for all of your labor and delivery needs, including an advanced neonatal intensive care unit for your newly arrived baby.
Postpartum Visit
After the birth of your baby, your doctor will talk with you about things you may experience as your body starts to recover, such as:
- Vaginal discharge called lochia. It is the tissue and blood that lined your uterus during pregnancy. The discharge may start off heavy at first and then gets lighter until it goes away after a few weeks.
- Swelling in your legs and feet. Reduce swelling by elevating your feet when possible.
- Constipation. Drink plenty of water and eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Menstrual-like cramping. This is common, especially if you are breastfeeding. Your milk will come in 3 to 6 days after your delivery.
- Screening for postpartum depression and anxiety.
You will have your postpartum visit with your doctor about 6 weeks after birth. During your visit, your doctor will discuss such things as:
- Resuming normal activities
- Eating and Fitness Plans to return to a healthy weight
- Sex and birth control
What does OB/GYN stand for?
While OB/GYN is considered one specialty it comprises two separate fields.
- Obstetrics (OB) is the branch of medicine that deals with pregnancy, labor, and birth, as well as the female reproductive system. Most obstetricians also have training in diagnosing and treating problems of the female reproductive system.
- Gynecology (GYN) focuses on caring for women through the various stages and transitions of life. Gynecology includes the diagnosis, treatment, and preventive care of conditions relating to a woman’s reproductive system including the vagina, uterus, ovaries, and Fallopian tubes. Learn More
With obstetrics care, you can be confident that a OB/GYN is handling your pregnancy and reproductive concerns.
What is a high-risk pregnancy?
Some women have a higher risk of complications during pregnancy than others. The number one factor that contributes to a high-risk pregnancy is a previous history of reproductive complications or miscarriages. Several other factors can also qualify you as high-risk, including:
- Health conditions like diabetes, hypertension, thyroid disorders, kidney disease, asthma, heart disease, seizure disorder, autoimmune disorders, or a personal history of cancer
- Being very young or over the age of 35
- Having a history of or current diagnosis of gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension, or pre-eclampsia
- Being pregnant with multiples (twins, triplets, or a higher-order multiple)
- Uterine anomalies or uterine fibroids
- Teratogen exposure (through certain prescription medications, narcotics, illicit drugs, or alcohol)
Your doctor can evaluate and treat any issues that arise during a high-risk pregnancy. This might include consultations with a Maternal-Fetal Medicine (MFM) specialist. Some complications may require bed rest or hospitalization, which gives your growing baby the time it needs to develop more fully.
What can you expect during pregnancy?
At Women’s Health Specialists of Dallas, our team provides quality, compassionate prenatal care and women’s health services necessary to bring a happy, healthy baby into the world.
Whether you’re a newly expectant mother or looking to conceive, we are here to care for you every step of the way. With facilities that are equipped to provide the best in prenatal and birth services, you’ll find all the resources and support you need to feel educated, empowered, and excited about your pregnancy journey.
How do I preregister for my hospital stay?
You can preregister online at or via the Texas Health MyChart app (Google Play or Apple App Store). Once you’ve logged into your Texas Health MyChart account, click the menu button, and select “Register for My Delivery.” Find more information.
Where do I check into the hospital?
Labor and Delivery is located on the ground floor of the Margot Perot Center for Women and Infants at Texas Health Dallas. For your convenience, we recommend patients Visitor Parking Lot 11 located off Perot Lane between the Margot Perot Center and the Jackson Building. If you drive down one level from the street to garage level, you can enter through the door in this parking area which remains unlocked 24-hours a day.
When should I come to the hospital?
Call us when contractions are 5 minutes apart for 1 hour, if your bag of water breaks (this may be a big gush or a small trickle of fluid which continues to flow), or if you experience any bleeding. You should notify us immediately and then proceed to the hospital. Call if you have a significant decrease in fetal movement as well.
What is your philosophy on birthing experiences?
All of our patients are encouraged to attend prenatal childbirth classes. Each patient may have her personal preference between a non-medicated and medicated labor and delivery. We are very supportive of each individual patient’s choice. An anesthesiologist on the medical staff at Texas Health Dallas is available 24/7 on-site at the hospital.
When does the doctor usually induce labor and how?
Labor is never induced for routine or minor indications. Medical reasons for labor and induction are numerous and vary. Spontaneous onset of labor is preferred for most patients. This will be discussed with you if the induction of labor becomes necessary in your medical management.
May I deliver in the labor room or birthing room?
Labor and delivery occur in the same “LDR” (Labor/Delivery/Recovery) room with natural vaginal deliveries. Cesarean deliveries are performed in the Labor and Delivery operating rooms. After delivery and recovery, you will be moved to the postpartum unit for the remainder of your hospital stay.
What can you do if you have had failed attempts or miscarriages?
If failed attempts or miscarriages have marked your pregnancy journey, Women’s Health Specialists of Dallas offers Infertility treatment that can help you get on the path toward a healthy conception.

This information is provided for informational educational purposes only, and should not be considered as individual medical advice. Please discuss your specific situation with your medical provider.