Dear Suppliers,
Thank you for visiting our supplier portal! Supply Chain Management at Texas Health is made up of many functions; from equipment planning, sourcing and contracting, procurement, ERP support services, and much more. On this portal, you will find links that will help you link to pertinent information as well as allow you to utilize self-service tools that help us learn more about you, your company, and the products and services you represent. This portal is not meant to be inclusive of all the information you may need. However, it is the best starting place for information and will only become more robust over time.
Supply Chain Management at Texas Health provides the products and services that allow our clinicians to provide the highest quality care in the most cost-effective manner. We pride ourselves on being as transparent as possible; not only with our many stakeholders, but with our supplier community as well. We have also begun a journey to be even more inclusive and diverse within our supplier partnerships. I am hopeful that the information and tools you find here will allow all of us to meet these goals of transparency, inclusiveness, and diversity together.
I encourage you to visit the links on this portal and come back often to explore new content. As always, my team and I are available to answer questions and provide details about how we are structured. Thank you again for visiting.
Shaun Clinton
Senior Vice President, Supply Chain Management