Dear Suppliers,
Thank you for your interest in doing business with Texas Health Resources. We at Texas Health are very proud of our commitment to diversity and inclusion and it is one of the reasons we continue to rank at the very top of most “Best Places to Work” lists every year. We also consider ourselves extremely fortunate to provide care to the diverse communities we serve.
While diversity and inclusion are part of culture at Texas Health, events of the past year have shown us that we can, and in fact, need to do more. The health of our communities is not just based on the care we provide, but the ability to provide fair and equitable opportunities to all.
To that end, we have embarked on a journey that will allow us to do even more than we have in the past. There are many facets to this effort but most importantly, it involves the following:
- If you are a government certified diverse supplier, we want to know about you and your company.
- If an opportunity arises to do business with Texas Health, we want to make sure you know about it and have an opportunity to bid on the business.
- And finally, whether you earn the business or not, we want to be transparent about the decision-making process and provide both guidance and mentorship if appropriate.
On this supplier portal you will find links that will allow you to tell us about yourself and your organization. Even if we do business with you now, I’d encourage you to fill out this brief survey. While this survey does not mean you are immediately set up as a supplier on our system, it will allow us to update our records and make sure you are included in any future bid or procurement events. You will also find links to other items of interest on the supplier portal.
This portal will only become more robust over time so check back often. Should you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to our Senior Vice President of Supply Chain, Shaun Clinton, at ShaunClinton@TexasHealth.org.
Again, thank you for your interest. I look forward to seeing what can be accomplished together.
Barclay E. Berdan, CEO