It was around 6 a.m. on Sunday, March 23, 2014, when Joanna’s water broke. Soon after, she and her husband arrived at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas to prepare for the arrival of daughter Elbie. Joanna wasn’t experiencing contractions as of yet so the admissions staff got her set up in a room, where she had the opportunity to meet Labor and Delivery nurse Amy Jones, R.N. Jones would support Joanna through the next 12 hours as the mom-to-be walked the halls and tried sitting on a birthing ball to help move her labor along, to no avail. Another nurse would come and go. It wasn’t until late afternoon on March 24, with Joanna’s husband and the third L&D nurse on hand, that Elbie finally arrived ― 35 hours after the labor process began!
Fast forward to Joanna’s second delivery… It was the Sunday after Thanksgiving in November 2016 when Joanna awoke to full-on contractions and it wasn’t long before her water broke. Because of her prolonged labor experience with her first pregnancy, Joanna wasn’t in much of a hurry to get to Texas Health Dallas. She and her husband checked in at the hospital around noon. Once in a room, Joanna’s labor progress stalled with her only dilated to 5 centimeters.When the contractions started coming on top of each other, Joanna was ready for an epidural. She was also given Pitocin to help her through the contractions. Finally at 10:30 p.m. that night, Joanna was ready to push. Baby Violet was born 15 minutes later. The second delivery only took 13 hours of labor, but it was a labor of love between Joanna and the L&D nurses that helped this time around as well. She fondly remembers all six of the L&D nurses that her family had the opportunity to connect with during the births of her daughters.
“With our first daughter, nurse Amy came to visit me on my discharge day so she could actually meet Elbie,” Joanna recalled. “She rode down the elevator with us on the way out and we cried together. As soon as we got to Texas Health Dallas with our second daughter, we asked for Amy but she was assisting another patient so we didn’t get to see her.”
“I made sure to mail in the post-delivery survey and name the nurses that made a lasting impression on us. Everyone was great and it made for two very smooth experiences. I would do it again. The staff is very passionate about that they do and it is obvious they love their jobs. Their compassion has inspired me to pursue a career as a childbirth educator. Hopefully I can work with these women some day,” she added.
Joanna has also made lasting connections with other new moms thanks to help she received from Texas Health. When she needed a little breastfeeding support with daughter Violet, she found certified lactation consultant Julie Harmon at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Plano. Harmon turned her on to the hospital’s breastfeeding support group for ongoing encouragement from other women in similar situations.
“I ended up attending the breastfeeding support group after Julie recommended it and I met several women that I am great friends with today,” Joanna said. “We see each other every week and have regular play dates for the kids. I would have never met these women had Julie not recommended the support group. I can tell that these friendships will last a lifetime. Our kids will grow up together as well. Texas Health has wonderful support for mothers!”
Learn more about having your baby at Texas Health and the support services available to new moms.